Client Testimonials Page 2


Now that I'm settled and back at work, I thought I would take the time to tell you how much I appreciate the time we spent together, and to thank you for two of the best days of "school," bass school that is, I've ever had.

Many might think that the test of a good bass fishing guide is based on his results. How many fish does he catch? True. But in my mind, the real heart of a guide can be measured most fully when the fish aren't biting. And any fisherman worth his salt knows there are days when the fish don't cooperate, no matter what the fisherman does. We fished in some tough conditions...August in Florida...artificial lures only. Need I say anything else? Water temps approaching 90 degrees. Air temps in the mid nineties. Too much wind. Not enough wind. No cloud cover. Murky water caused by previous storms...the list goes on.

It's these types of conditions that puts a fishing guide through his paces. You pulled no punches. You told me it would be tough. With 7 years of club tournament experience, and a lifetime love affair with bass fishing, I already knew it wouldn't be easy. And it wasn't. But you took it in stride and worked your tail off to put us on fish. Yes, we put some fish in the boat. They weren't huge. No, it wasn't a 40 or 60 fish day. But did we have fun? You bet we did.

These are the actions and behaviors you demonstrated under pressure and in tough conditions:

1. Always on time to pick me the minute!
2. Always courteous and respectful.
3. Always honest and forthright in setting expectations.
4. Always explained the decisions you made with respect to lure choices and taking the boat to another location.
5. Always trying new presentations to solicit bites and develop a pattern.
6. Always saving the best casting locations for me.
7. Since I was an experienced bass fisherman, you had the uncanny ability to professionally and harmoniously suggest ways to improve my ability without insulting my experience.
8. Finally, your personality and mine melded well together. We joked, cut up a little on each other, and had a great time. At times it felt as if we fished together all the time.

Steve, you worked your butt off and I appreciate it. Most importantly, I learned a lot about a few techniques I don't use much up here in West Virginia...techniques I needed more confidence in. And you know how important a role confidence plays in fishing successfully. That, in and of itself, made me a better angler and was well worth the price.

You deliver what you promise. I hope that we can fish together again.

Rick Barry Moundsville, West Virginia



On our last day in Orlando, we took our boys bass fishing and we caught bass all day long, (in the middle of the Winter, following a harsh cold front!) Steve Boyd is the guide I hired to take our family out for some Florida Bass Fishing. To give you an idea of what an awesome experience it was. Steve took us to a 5,500 acre lake that was full of largemouth bass willing to eat a Shiner nearly on every cast, (we didn't catch one every cast, but we could have.) Steve's understanding of structure and bass movement was impressive as he had us around bass all day. While Steve might have liked us to catch a Florida monster, it was important to us that our boys were able to catch some fish, and catch fish they did, it was a blast. What sets Steve apart from other guides that I have known and hired is that his temperament is well suited to working with anglers of all abilities. He is set up to take people out who are into town for Disney World and are looking for a break from all of the Goofyness.  



I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I enjoyed our day with you this last December! I have been fishing the Disney lakes since I was a child and after spending a day with you will never go back! Your Professionalism, knowledge and passion for what you do truly comes through while you are guiding and it was greatly appreciated. I learned more from you in one day then I have in the last 15 years of going fishing at Disney. From now on when I visit Florida I will be fishing with you and look forward to gaining more knowledge about catching Big Bass!

John Meyers Albany, New York


Howdy Steve,

I can't thank you enough for the best bass fishing trip my son Andy and I have ever been on. My boy caught more than me . . .. and he caught bigger than mine. What more could a Dad ask for. I will say this - If you have kids then this is the guy to go fishing with. No matter what age the child. This guy has the attitude that is the hope for a new generation of fishermen. He taught us to respect the fish, to understand their habits, and how to catch a bunch of them. If you have kids that you want to take fishing while in Orlando, there is no better man to lead you than Steve Boyd.

The highlight of our summer vacation . . .Thanks from both of us . .. . Will and Andy Sellers  


orlando bass fishingSteve,

I have had a great time showing off the PICS of my 9 pounder. We had a great trip and could not have had a better guide. We were truly impressed with your passion for the sport, and even more impressed by your dedication to locate big fish for your clients. It is not often you find someone in any business that delivers what they advertise. We hope to book another trip or two in December of this year. If we stand up to your standards?

Well, keep a lure in the water and a tight line! your friend & satisfied customer.

Doug Brown, Powell Tennessee



orlando bass fishingHi Steve,

I'm back in the UK now so I thought I'd drop you an email to thank you for the two great trips. I really enjoyed both days in such beautiful surroundings. Also your Triton boat was a real surprise as we don't have anything like that at home.

I don't think I'll ever forget blasting through the channels in the rushes on our way to your spot on Toho as the sun was just rising. Awesome! I do, however, have one serious complaint. Your guiding me to catch 35 Largemouth Bass to nearly 7lb in just four hours on my first day Bass fishing has completely spoiled me! I showed an American friend the photo's of me and my fish and he told me that in 20 years of Bass fishing in the Carolinas he has never had a six pounder and never ever caught 35 fish in a day, let alone in a just a morning!

 If you ever get any English guys who want to book you, feel free to give 'em my email address. I'll recommend your guiding service unreservedly. Keep up the good work! See you next time I'm in Florida.

John Stone. 


orlando bass fishingSteve,

I wanted to thank you again for the fishing trip. I really enjoyed myself on this trip and greatly appreciated your expertise and insight.

I am very impressed with the Toho fishery, and even more impressed with your professionalism and knowledge. Every day on the water is a learning experience and this was no exception. I will be able to apply some of your approach to our bass fishery on this side of the country, both fresh and salt water. When I return to Florida I will only fish with you and will look forward to a crack at one of the 10 pounders.

Good luck with the tournament fishing. I am confident that you will do very well. Just hope that you will still have time to guide clients like myself. Feel free to use my name or e-mail for a reference in the future.

Best wishes, Krys Gwizdak


Hi Steve,

I just wanted to thank you again for the day we spent on Toho together. Although the weather was terrible, you still put me on some good fish! It certainly wasn't your fault I didn't land the big ones, next time I'll listen to you and be more patient. Your knowledge and professionional manner were more than I could have hoped for. If all the guides and fishermen had your attitude toward the fisheries of Florida we would enjoy the sport for many generations to come.

Thanks again and see you next winter, Rich Williams


orlando bass fishing Hi Steve,

Ray and Todd had a great time, they have been bragging ever since we returned home on Friday. First thing we did as we walked in the door was pull up his picture on your website. My other 2 brothers and brother in law are all ready to come down and do some fishing with you. We even took a trip to Wal-mart on Saturday to get some new lures and rigs for Ray. I am sure you will be hearing from us again sometime.

Happy Fishing, Trisha Kleecamp







Thanks for a great day of fishing. I lost count of how many fish we caught over 4 pounds but it was great to top off the day with my 7lb bass! We will definitely be back for more now that we know what bass fishing in Florida is like.

Fishing in New Jersey will never be the same! - Ed



I thought I would drop you a line to thank you for providing me with a great day of fishing on Lake Toho. Both your professionalism and your expertise were greatly appreciated, even if we had not caught any fish ( however, we caught 25 I believe ) the day on the water would have been worthwhile. I will be sure to recommend you to all who may be interested.

Thanks again and it was good fishing with you.

John Benecke



Just wanted to thank you for a great day on the water. Zach didn't want to end the day and said that fishing on lake Toho was more fun than going to Disney! I didn't know how he would handle 6 hours on the boat but you did a great job.

Put me down for another trip in January.

Joe Rogers and his son Zach



Thanks for the greatest fishing trip My son and I have ever been on. We had a blast and will definitely be back for more next year. Lake Toho definitely has some monster bass in it. We have never caught bass that size before but to catch over 30 fish with a 5, two 6's and an 8lber in one day was awesome.

Keep up the good work and we'll see you next year.

Walt Anderson



It has been a few months since I came down from Kentucky and fished with you. The weather is starting to get cold up here and I was just thinking about all of the great fishing I got to do this past summer and I thought about the trip I had on Toho. I had a great time and caught some of my best bass of the year. I would have been proud to have the 5 biggest in the well anytime, anyplace.

I hope to see you next year.

Good fishing, Derek Goodall